Where to Buy Fruit Trees? Choose a Specialist Fruit Tree Nursery Near You
Published: January 10, 2024
Potted trees at Silver Creek Nursery in Ontario. When considering where to buy fruit trees, your best bet is to order from a specialist fruit tree nursery near you. They will also carry a wider selection of varieties including easier-to-grow disease resistant fruit trees. Photo credit: OrchardPeople.com.
If you want to grow fruit trees organically, it's important to buy the right trees. A poorly chosen tree will very likely struggle and produce substandard fruit. In contrast, a carefully-selected fruit tree that is suited to your unique conditions will be more likely to thrive and produce a bountiful harvest.
So, where do you buy fruit trees? Garden stores aren't the best option since they offer a limited selection of cultivars. Instead, it's best to order your tree from a specialist fruit tree nursery. They offer a wide range of fruit trees including easier-to-grow varieties that are hard to find anywhere else.
In this article, I'll explore where to buy fruit trees in both Canada and the USA and I'll highlight some of my favourite fruit tree nurseries. For a wider selection, you can scroll through my comprehensive fruit tree nursery resource lists below to identify a fruit tree nursery near you.
Have I missed any top-notch fruit tree nurseries? Feel free to reach out, and I'll add them!
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Where to Buy Fruit Trees in the USA
If you live in the US, there is no shortage of specialist nurseries where you can buy fruit trees. Some ship a wide range of traditional fruit trees like apples, cherries, pears and apricots. Others specialize in warm climate trees like citrus and figs. And yet others have developed a very niche market, specializing in specific types of fruits. Here are some of my favourites. You can find more options in our USA fruit tree nursery resource list below.
Then there are our friends at Whiffletree Nursery. Whiffletree also has an amazing number of fruit tree cultivars on sale and they are famous for their print catalogue which is like an instructional guide for growing fruit trees!
On the east coast we are lucky to have some more excellent nurseries including Maple Grove Nursery where they do custom grafting and also sell rootstocks.
Then there is Corn Hill Nursery has a wide selection of cold hardy trees. Owner Bob Osborne is the author of Hardy Apples: Growing Apples in Cold Climates and we chatted with him in our podcast on cold hardy fruit trees.
Those are just a few highlights. Scroll through our Canadian fruit tree nursery resource list below to see other options.
List of Fruit Tree Nurseries in Canada Below
Growing Old Apple Varieties with Dan Bussey 🌳 #fruittrees
Thinking of growing heirloom apple trees? Learn more about them in this video podcast.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Your Fruit Trees
Fruit tree nurseries usually sell bare root trees so when they arrive you need to keep them in a cool, dark place and plant them as soon as possible as they will not survive long without soil around their roots.
Research your tree well before buying. Ask yourself these questions: Is this an easier-to-grow "disease resistant" cultivar? Is this fruit tree self pollinating? Or does it need to be planted with a partner tree in order to ensure successful pollination? Is this fruit tree appropriate for your climate zone and soil conditions?
Choose the right tree size. Fruit trees also come in various different sizes depending on the rootstock that they are grafted onto. Dwarf trees may be just 7 feet tall in maturity and can be great for small gardens. Other rootstock choices can give you a fruit tree that will be up to 40 feet tall in maturity.
Younger and smaller trees are often better. Younger bare root trees often adapt better to their new location. And with proper annual pruning, it's easier to create the open structure that will help keep your fruit tree healthy and productive. If you prune at the right time of year, correct pruning can also keep your tree compact. Learn to prune in our Fruit Tree Pruning Masterclass.
If you want a fruit tree that produces fruit you'll love, you'll probably buy a grafted fruit tree or you will graft a tree yourself. Learn the science behind grafting in this article.